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Is World War Three On The Horizon

Is World War Three on the Horizon?

Experts Weigh In on the Possibility of a Global Conflict

Are We Living in a Pre-War World?

The recent escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine has brought the specter of a third world war to the forefront of global consciousness. As the conflict rages on, experts are weighing in on whether we are truly on the brink of a catastrophic event.

In an interview with Sky News, Professor Andrew Futter, an expert on international security at King's College London, expressed his concern about the potential for a wider conflict. "The risk of a major war between Russia and NATO is higher than it has been for a long time," he stated. "The situation is extremely dangerous."

Other experts share Futter's apprehension. Dr. John Mearsheimer, a professor of international relations at the University of Chicago, believes that we are in a "pre-war world." He argues that the United States and its allies are not taking the Russian threat seriously enough, and that a military confrontation is likely inevitable.
